Welcome to the 15th installment of the fonia radio show. This time outside of the studio recorded on a warm sunny & later a bit rainy sunday in one of the nicest and most friendly places in Jena, the Strand 22!
Inannia and foolong grabbed all the vinyl they thought fitting the relaxed atmosphere of a coffee & cake mix set consisting of pure vinyl joy.
First of all, our thanks go to Carlos and his crew of superfriendly people. Awesome hosts!
Also we want to thank all the nice people who showed up on the sunday in august and stayed even though some drops of rain appeared here and there.
So, in case you haven’t been there yet. If you make it to jena, don’t miss to go to the strand22 and enjoy the view & a few drinks 🙂
Shouts go out as well to sissy, you are a hell of a swan!!
Be good to yourself!